:: Certified Hosting ::

Gone are the days of minimal bandwidth allotments...

Certified Hosting Now Offers
UNLIMITED Storage and UNLIMITED Bandwidth Transfer

You asked for it! You got it!


What does UNLIMITED mean?
UNLIMITED storage and UNLIMITED transfer means you can use unlimited amounts of disk space and bandwidth for your active website. This means you can rest assured your website will not be shut down for exceeding any bandwidth or storage limitations.

Let us be front up with you though....We are not going to make you sift through our terms to figure out where the catch is. We have it right here in plain view so there is no misunderstandings. Great communication is key in a relationship. So, here is the deal.....if your site isn't well optimized and is causing issues for others on your shared server (either because it's abusing the CPU, hoarding up RAM, or doing loads of disk I/O), you could be in danger of account suspension.

But, here is where WE are different! We offer the option to add Certified Protection to your account.

What is Certified Protection?

It's an like insurance policy. Just like all types of insurance, you may or may not ever have to use it, but it's there just in case. It's peace of mind. It's knowing that if for some reason your hosting account should utilize above accepted levels of server resources, your account will NEVER BE SUSPENDED! Details

Yes! For those of you that are running optimized websites for hobby, personal, blogging, business, photo galleries, membership sites, our unlimited offer is truly unlimited storage and transfer for your active website. You can't use it for backup or to store a million pictures, but you can use it to actively run and operate your website.

What else is not allowed on "UNLIMITED"?
Again, to be up front.... You can not use the account for the sole purpose of storing files. You must have an active website. Here are some other specific things not allowed:

  • Copyrighted material that you do not have a license to distribute.
  • File Sharing | File Upload | File Archive | Backup | Site Mirroring | Content Distribution Sites

Still uneasy about going UNLIMITED?
Give us a call, we would happy to go over it with you and ease your mind

  No Overages, No Storage Limitations...Go Unlimited with Certified Hosting!
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